President-elect Barack Obama's inauguration events kick off on Sunday, January 18th with a celebration at the Lincoln Memorial. Performers include Beyonce, Mary J. Blige, Bono, Garth Brooks, Sheryl Crow, Josh Groban, Herbie Hancock, Shakira, Bruce Springsteen, James Taylor,, and Stevie Wonder. Jamie Foxx, Martin Luther King III, Queen Latifah and Denzel Washington are reading historical passages. Reverend Gene Robinson, an openly gay bishop, will deliver the invocation prayer.
Obama will arrive at the Memorial steps after a train ride tracing Lincoln's path from Philadelphia to Washington.
"It is one of the great, patriotic symbols of our country," Presidential Inaugural Committee spokeswoman Linda Douglass said of the location. "It's a symbol of the American spirit; it's a symbol of unity; it's a symbol of our values. So for all those reasons it's an appropriate place to celebrate an inauguration that is really built around celebrating our common values as a
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