Cheetah Girls Star Adrienne Bailon Nude Photos Scandal

Disney Star Adrienne Bailon Nude photo and Sex Tape
Nude pictures of Cheetah Girls star Adrienne Bailon have appeared on popular celebrity blog PerezHilton. (NSFW ) In the shots, Adrienne Bailon appears without her panties looking gorgeous in full makeup and hair.Adrienne Bailon of The Cheetah Girls has been the subject of a bizarre extortion plot involving nude pictures taken from a stolen laptop.

Hilton hinted that these images are staged and if this takes off along the lines of Kim Kardashian's sex pictures, a sex tape should follow with her boo Robert .... who happens to be Kim Kardashian's brother.According to reports, Adrienne allegedly snapped these photos for her boyfriend, Robert Kardashian, and they were allegedly stolen from her laptop when her computer went missing for a few hours at a New York City airport. It was later returned.

TMZ first broke the story Saturday, detailing how Adrienne Bailon’s laptop was stolen at JFK airport in late October. Later that day her record label received an anonymous phone call from a man saying he had her laptop and would return it for $1000. The payment was made, and the laptop returned, but missing were several nude pics Bailon had taken as an anniversary present for Robert Kardashian.

Now some of the photos have turned up online. One cropped shot above, but we won’t publish the other picture or the full shot of the pic above. If you must you can view them here. As per the watermarks on the pic, the source is Adrienne Bailons Nude(Nsfw) Photos Here.

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Bie, that's my name. The Celebrity A to Z News is a brutally honest look at society and its obsession with the super. It is not satire. It is not social commentary. It is the voice of our society at its worst. It is first impressions without sense of social obligation. It is the truth of our generation. It is ugly racism. It is jealousy. It is honest. Just kidding. Our goal is to make fun of as many people as possible.
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