Jennifer Aniston turning 40

As Jennifer Aniston gears up to celebrate her 40th birthday next week, the milestone, it seems, is leaving her in a tizzy.

Although the former ‘Friends’ star says that she’s feeling great– she admits to a moment where she feels she doesn’t want to turn 40.

"I have to say really, I feel better than I ever felt in my life," People quoted Jennifer as saying on The Ellen DeGeneres Show .

"I did have a moment, though, over the weekend my first like huh. ... I don’t want to [turn 40].

"I found a really long gray hair and it kind of flipped me out. It’s not my first but it’s the fact that it was so long. I was like, ‘Oh that’s been there. How many others are there, and what does that mean?

“It actually brought me to tears slightly," she added.
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Bie, that's my name. The Celebrity A to Z News is a brutally honest look at society and its obsession with the super. It is not satire. It is not social commentary. It is the voice of our society at its worst. It is first impressions without sense of social obligation. It is the truth of our generation. It is ugly racism. It is jealousy. It is honest. Just kidding. Our goal is to make fun of as many people as possible.
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