Sacha Baron Cohen Cheating With Ex-Fiancee Samantha Loshin?

In late December, Sacha Baron Cohen was partying it up at a club. While having a good time, he was photographed kissing another woman.

Mind you, he’s engaged to Isla Fisher and they have a daughter together. She even went as far as converting to Judaism so that they could get married one day.

At the time, we had no idea who the woman he was smooching was, but thanks to an anonymous tip, her identity has been revealed.

Sacha was making out with his ex-fiancee Samantha Loshin, who is a preschool teacher in the Beverly Hills area. They look like they were enjoying themselves together, while having drinks.

I really like Isla, though, and hope that she can see past his indiscretions. Especially when there’s paparazzi around.

About The Author
Bie, that's my name. The Celebrity A to Z News is a brutally honest look at society and its obsession with the super. It is not satire. It is not social commentary. It is the voice of our society at its worst. It is first impressions without sense of social obligation. It is the truth of our generation. It is ugly racism. It is jealousy. It is honest. Just kidding. Our goal is to make fun of as many people as possible.
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