Rod Stewart and wife Penny Lancaster grace the cover of HELLO! with their gorgeous newborn son Aiden. The 66-year-old rocker - now a father for the eighth time - said, "Aiden is our miracle baby," referring to the fertility problems they encountered.
Penny underwent two rounds of IVF before a successful third cycle.
"Aiden is the best birthday present I could have wished for. My family is now complete," said Penny, referring to his arrival the day after her 40th birthday.
The legendary rocker added, "Parenthood has taken our relationship to a new love and understanding."
Penny said she's not obsessing about losing the baby weight.
"I’d like to get rid of the excess weight eventually, but the doctors advised not to start exercising for six weeks," she said. "I didn’t try for all those years to fall pregnant just to be vain about it."
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